The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race 2025 was in Montreal!

January 22nd - 26th, 2025

Final Results

Congratulations to the teams for competing in GNCTR 2025! Whether it was your team's first time at the competition, or your 50th, we're happy that you joined us for the 51st Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race. Take pride in knowing that your efforts have brought you this far.

We'd like to thank all of the sponsors and volunteers that helped the Organizing Committee run a successful competition.


The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan race is the largest and longest running engineering competition in North America. It assembles over 400 engineering students from over 20 different universities across the country with the goal of giving students an opportunity to manage their very own engineering project. From design to construction, the competitors must create a toboggan which they will then race during the competition. They will be judged on their design abilities, project management skills, safety criteria, spirit, and so much more.

Every year a different group of dedicated competition alumni host the event in their respective city. Our Organizing Committee (OC) are proud to be hosting the competition in Montréal in January of 2025!

Thank you to our sponsors

Event Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

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